
From Januari 2017 House of Inventions Bv will introduce a newly developed range of biostimulants, Biofertilizers and bio-pesticides.

The brandname Nzyma will reamin, but will be complemented with other products, in the same group of biological products resistable against: virusses, whiteflies, thrips, mildew, leafminers and other insects, plages and fungies.

All the products made by House of Inventions BV meet very strict criteria and quarantee you to be made of only plant based substances which are used in and during the complex productionproces of these biological substances.

Our products are places under the following productgroups:

  • Nzyma –ProGrow: Stimulating rootgrowth and improving the rootquality for a stronger and more resistant crop.
  • Nzyma – ReduSan; resistable against thrips, leafminers and whiteflies.
  • Nzyma – ReduVirbact; reduces virusses, virus phenomena & reduces (the growth of) damaging bacteria.
  • Nzyma – ReduMycet; resistable agains mildew

The different Nzyma products can be combined very well and function in synergy with eachother in order to obtain the best result.